Lombardy region notices

Regione Lombardia has established three new calls that will provide investment support for Lombardy businesses through a non-repayable grant and a free regional guarantee on medium- to long-term financing:

Business development line: € 115 million for investments related to productive modernization and expansion; maximum contribution up to 35 percent of eligible costs.

Investment Attraction Line: € 30 million for investments related to the start-up of a production plant in a new operational location or expansion of an already operational plant; maximum contribution up to 50 percent of eligible costs.

Green line investments: € 65 million for investments dedicated to the energy efficiency of production facilities to encourage the reduction of environmental impact (at least 30 percent); maximum contribution up to 50 percent of eligible costs.

Our partner specializing in subsidized finance, Warrant Hub, is at your disposal for an initial screening preparatory to the feasibility assessment of your projects and to optimize the possible contributions for your business.